Monday, June 9, 2008

Drinks Are On Me

When the mercury is about to pop its cherry, and my small white-girl butt feels as if it stuck to the backs of my ankles, about all I want to do is drink. While water is the staff of life, my body and brain don't function very well on H2O alone. I have two drinks that I love to make. One helps me to get me thru these sultry days; the other to calm me during the nights.

I first tasted the Morir Soñando ( translates to 'to die in a dream') when I was little girl. It was one of those flavors that I recalled throughout much of my life but never came close to tasting again until I worked in the kitchen of Le Bernardin. It was often made up by one of the Dominican cooks who worked the morning shift. On the days that I was able to work a morning shift, and get there early enough after dropping my kids at school, I would be able to enjoy this gorgeous concoction of milk, sugar and OJ over ice, served in a tall acrylic tumbler a la 70's diner, it really is unsurpassed by most.

Morir Soñando: serves 2
* 2 cups orange juice
* 1/4 -1/2 cup of sugar (to taste)
* 2 cups whole milk
* 2 1/2 cup of ice cubes

While very simple to make, there are a few tricks that must be adhered to. The milk must be very cold, and you have to allow for some time for the sugar to the milk to dissolve before mixing in the juice. After the milk/sugar mixture has chilled, add the ice. In a slow stream, add the OJ while mixing all the while. Pour into two tall glasses (along with the ice), take a seat, put your feet up and enjoy.

This next drink, La Paloma, is a cocktail, which on a day like today, I should have made hours ago.
I like to eyeball this one when I make it.

Fill an old fashioned with ice. Squeeze the juice of one lime and drop lime half in glass. Add about 2-3 fingers of Herradura Tequila--I have used the gutter wash brands with this drink as well, and it's still pretty damned good. Top off with Jarritos brand Taronja (grapefruit) soda ( I would have linked ya, but in this age of Mercury Retrograde, I am lucky if I can still put my pants on). Add straw, stir lightly, dab a bit on your pulse points, and you are good to go.

Now chillll. . .

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