Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Lions and Tigers and Mercury is in Retrograde, Oh My!

I don't usually give much credance to the juxtaposition of the moons and the stars above, but after the oddities and mishaps of the past week and a half or so, I think that there might just be something to it. Mercury in Retrograde, for those of you who don't know what it means, means simply this: Murphy's Law on Crack--if it can go wrong, it will go wrong. For starters and most relevant here, is that I have not been able to post. Everything I write turns to jibberish. I am using a less superior browser now, but at least I can get my thoughts down now and not have them turned into a series of irritating question marks. Here is a short list of what has transpired.

~ a class trip to the Bronx Zoo with my girl, S. and all that we saw were lumps of fur resting in the shady brush. Check the pic, seems my camera was on the blitz too.
~ a cancelled second date (because of 'dinner with a client') and no rain-check (ouch) with someone I thought very promising. what I do I know? nothing. clearly. I'll take some small small comfort in what my friends Z and J always say (or would say if they shared one brain) 'oh, he must be gay!! you're hot milk, mommy!'
~ a big and complicated snafu invovling sample boxes that arrived too late, and a request for brownies in said sample boxes for a product/pr trade also came too late.
~ an insane rush to get 300 brownies to Rachael Ray to film a 'Snack of the Day' segment, only to find that it won't be aired in the Fall. c'mon people, mama needs income now. make that yesterday.
~ half a day with my cell phone in a 'black-hole'--missed a total of almost a dozen texts and phone calls.
~ my trusty printer has taken a vacation, light are on but nobody is home!

well, this is completely unfinished, but at the risk of not beign able to post this later, I am putting it out there now, and will finish it off later gator. or not. I'll just blame it on that big bully in the sky--Murphy McMercury

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