Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Tart Grows in Brooklyn

This my friends, is a no brainer. It's a fruit tart I made with some apricots that my friend E gave me from her overly bountiful trip to the Farmers Market. From time to time, I like to use, ahem, frozen Pillsbury pie dough (usually for my chicken pot pies more so than anything else). For the purists out there, forgive me, but I have to tell you that they bake up very nicely, and will do in a (single mom) pinch.

You need:
a cookie sheet, covered in parchment or a silicon matt
1/2 of a Pillsburry pie crust
7-8 apricots, washed, halved and stoned (I mean take the pits out Amelia)
turbinado sugar

Pre-heat your oven to 375f. Roll the dough as well as you can into a rectangle. Yes, it's a half circle, it CAN be done, do you have to be so literal all of the time. Roll up the edges and press them down gently, just until they stay put and form a nice barrier to hold in the juices. Lay in the apricot halves. I place them with the stone side, or the pit side up, which makes for a rustic look. If you want something more refined, flip those babies over. I placed about a Tablespoon worth of butter, in bits and sprinkled it on top. I then sprinkled a very generous amount of turbinado sugar, about a 1/4 c. over the fruit.
Into the oven it went for about 20 minutes so the fruit would soften, and the juices would render and mix with the sugar and the butter.

I served this up plain, but dang it if I wasn't wishing that I had had some ginger ice cream to go along with it!


Anonymous said...

Good call... ginger ice cream would make this heavenly. But oh well, the apricot tart itself is pretty dreamy!

Unknown said...

i made this and it was awesome!