Lately I have noticed a ridiculous number of men sporting thick furry strips on their upper lips. Gone is the hirsute uber hipster full on beard (praise be to Allah, Buddha and Ganesha on that one). Seems they have been shunned for a trimmer sleeker slip of the fuzz. I am not sure how I feel about this. It's also curious how I have seen most of these men at McCarren Park, running about the track in black socks. Really. Feels kinda dirty to me. Really (yes, I meant to say it twice). Hence, the stache is dirty. Maybe these crumb-catchers are being grown for
humanitarian purposes? One can only hope.
i kind of enjoy these ironically grown mustaches the faces of men about town.
Yeah, they are good (in theory) for a giggle (in reality). But I ain't gonna land my lips on 'em for a smooch (unless you paid me, of course).
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